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  • Solutions for the co-evolution of built environment and nature

    The Perivàllonistic Manifesto

    The Perivàllonistic Manifesto – a guide for a planet with equal rights for all species

    Munich, Germany
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  • Reinvented places to meet and share

    Social reconstruction in post-emergency

    Community-focussed urban answers for traumatic experiences

    Florence, Italy
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  • Preserved and transformed cultural heritage

    a 21st century decarbonized masia

    Towards de 21st century “masía” through decarbonization strategies

    Monroyo, Spain
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  • Interdisciplinary education models


    A 3D sexual education kit for breaking taboos about female sexual organs

    NANTES, France
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  • Products and life style

    Yum design

    Yum design creates furniture from marine plastic waste

    Las Palmas, Spain
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  • Mobilisation of culture, arts and communities

    Joaquín Lorda / European Sketching Club

    Press "ESC" (European Sketching Club) and join the European sketching network

    Pamplona, Spain
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  • Regenerated urban and rural spaces

    Porto di Mare Eco-District (Milan)

    Porto di Mare Eco-District: multi-layered modelling and Food District&Transportation Hub design

    milan, Italy
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  • Interdisciplinary education models

    SUArquitectura educational channel

    Suarquitectura is a new way of seeing architecture: from accessibility, inclusion and sustainability

    Vigo, Spain
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  • Products and life style


    A solution to the drama of fashion waste through relations of meanings and co-creation

    Milan, Italy
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  • Preserved and transformed cultural heritage

    Retrofitting the UNESCO site of Ivrea

    A methodology and three case-studies for the preservation of modern architectural heritage

    Ivrea, Italy
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