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Award category
Mobilisation of culture, arts and communities
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NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS RISING STARS : concepts or ideas submitted by young talents (aged 30 or less)
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Mobilizing as many people, associations, companies and others as possible at all times to engage in extensive discussions, generate and test new ideas. Each is a set of citizen advice for the city's assessment.Taking steps to ensure that public policy is a shared endeavor between city governments, citizens, civil society and other local portal gives local residents the power to decide how to shape the city they live in.
Where is your concept/idea being developed or intended to be implemented in the EU?
dr. hulusi baybal avenue, hazım uluşahin business center a part ,terance floor no:91
Please provide a summary of your concept/ idea
 Mobilizing as many people, associations, companies and others as possible at all times to engage in extensive discussions, generate and test new ideas. Each is a set of citizen advice for the city's assessment. For example, a 'work office' that will fund 100 projects by 2023, or a public garden, park, forest, waterway, etc. And a proposal to be at least walking distance to the greenest area closest to nature. The city must become the top priority. Taking steps to ensure that public policy is a shared endeavor between city governments, citizens, civil society and other local actors. online portal gives local residents the power to decide how to shape the city they live in, and has to let green-lighting ideas such as turning plastic waste into fresh asphalt for the city’s roads; reducing fossil-fuel consumption and energy bills by installing photovoltaic panels on public buildings; and making space to park bicycles outside school doors.
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of sustainability and how these would be met
Europe is a key cultural tourism destination thanks to a remarkable cultural heritage that includes museums, theatres, archaeological sites, historical cities and industrial sites as well as music and gastronomy. If will the EU-funded SCK project aims to develop a new approach to understanding and addressing cultural tourism and to promote development of disadvantaged areas. Specifically, it will identify layers of data and capitalise on existing practice. It will explore emerging forms of cultural tourism, identifying opportunities and developing strategies allowing local people to gain benefit from their precious cultural assets. SCK will engage academics and stakeholders for development of policy proposals and generalise lessons learnt through an Innovation Tool to assist policymakers and practitioners.
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience beyond functionality and how these would be met
1. Developing systematic frameworks: a) theoretical - for improved knowledge of the complexity of SIs and its dimensions, and its impact on unfolding territorial capital; b) operational - based on a trans-disciplinary coalition (researchers and practitioners) to advance understanding of preconditions and success factors (e.g. instruments, incentives etc.) for implementing/operationalizing SI. 2. Creating a categorisation of SIs which encompasses the specificities in terms of social priorities, relationships/collaborations etc. and serves as an instrument to explore reasons why regions with similar conditions display diverging paths and to 'turn diversity into strength’. 3. Creating an integrated set of methods to evaluate SI and its impacts on economic, social, environmental, institutional and policy dimensions of territorial capital. 4. Co-constructed evaluation of SIs in case studies across the spatial variation of European rural areas, considering which components of territorial capital foster and, or mainstream RD. 5. Synthesis and dissemination of new or improved knowledge of SIs and novel governance mechanisms to promote social capital and institutional capacity building and inform effective options/solutions for shaping sustainable development trajectories. 6. Creating collaborative learning and networking opportunities and launching innovative actions at different/multiple scales, with continuous interactions among researchers, ‘knowledge brokers’ and stakeholders to foster and mainstream SI, leaving a durable legacy.
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of inclusion and how these would be been met
Social innovation is, by definition, a response to societal challenges that are traditionally not well addressed by markets or existing public institutions. We will  understande to social innovation and innovative governance in sustainable,aesthetic,architectural city development. We will find to how to boost these sectors to enhance societal well-being. All in all, we wiil create a new theoretical and context-specific knowledge, also provide a proper definition of social innovation, and will use these to evaluate actions on the ground. Topics include the likes of landscape management, urban, art and culture, social farming, local development, energy, child and healthcare, and social networking. It’s an  strong social capital can actually contribute positively to development, whereas weak social capital undermines civic engagement and good governance. Transformative social innovation is not an option – it’s a must.
Please explain the innovative character of your concept/ idea
Sustainable city development is one of the most important character. We have to make something for our future. Sustainability is one of them. We are living in Konya, one of middle anatolian city. Konya is a big city it living more than 2 million people. We have strong agricultural areas and population. We cannot say thats area are sustaineble. In the 30 years maybe less than will be drought. In city center also govern like this perception. All natural areas are destroying with all construction projects. Also our cultural areas are destroying.  We are a group from Konya. We are all under 30 years age young people who thinking about our city. We want make something about our city but we have no source and budget. We just have information and want to tell our public.
Please detail the plans you have for the further development, promotion and/or implementation of your concept/idea, with a particular attention to the initiatives to be taken before May 2022
Firstly create a group for working just this.Also all worker will spend all time for this group/organisation. Organisation needs a space for events,planning, educations, guests etc. Event planning with all volunteers and professionals.  Art and cultural events about our sustinabile city life. Digital events and information materials infrastructure will set. Mentor and masters needs for all. Exchange programs with other EU/NON EU contries. Contact with local universities and governments. Co operating with other NGO's.
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